SRS 2025 Updates

Getting There

We are excited to celebrate, once again, an on-campus symposium with our students.

You are invited to join us in Birch Lobby for opening ceremonies at 9:00 am and then concurrent sessions running until 4 pm. 

To attend the symposium please book your free ticket at :

Please see the link for the map to get to Capilano University and the SRS Program below for a look at the incredible sessions running throughout the day on April 19th.

You can use this link for getting there:–directions/


2024 Program Guide 

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Capilano University Award for Excellence in Research

Each year one student, from the various cohorts participating in the Student Research Symposium, is eligible to receive excellence in research award. 

Each department has an awards committee that is responsible for the adjudication of this award.

FUNDING SUPPORT FOR THE SRS: We would like to extend our thanks and gratitude to Dawn Whitworth, Associate Vice President, Creative Activity, Research and Scholarship, Laureen Styles, Vice President Academic & Provost for the resources and funding required to host this event.

FUNDING THE AWARD FOR THE SRS: We would also like to extend our thanks and gratitude to Creative Activity, Research, and Scholarship & Graduate Studies for funding for the SRS award recipients.

The awards ceremony will be held at 9:00am during the Opening Ceremonies in Birch lower cafeteria on April 19th.